Actor Sahil Khan has been remanded to police custody until May 1st in connection with the Mahadev betting app case. Mumbai’s special investigation team (SIT) apprehended Khan from Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh on Saturday after the Bombay High Court denied his bail plea.
Known for his roles in Bollywood movies like Aladdin, Excuse Me, and Style, Khan is among the 32 individuals charged with promoting the betting application. Several other Bollywood celebrities have also been questioned in relation to the Mahadev betting app case.
The SIT is investigating alleged illegal transactions between the promoters of the controversial Mahadev betting app and some financial and real estate firms in the state. According to the FIR filed by the police, the magnitude of the scam is around ₹15,000 crore.
An investigation is ongoing against Sahil Khan and 31 other individuals. Police have stated that the probe includes scrutiny of their bank accounts, mobile phones, laptops, and all technical equipment.
The FIR alleges that Uppal, Saurabh Chandrakar, Shubham Soni, and Anil Agrawal, the promoters of the Mahadev book app, established an online platform for live betting and engaged in gambling via social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram.
The promoters set up various platforms and utilized panel operators and branch operators to conduct illicit online betting activities. As per the FIR, they distributed the remaining funds to panel operators and branch operators after retaining 70–80% of their illicit profits for themselves.
Following the imposition of the lockdown in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the promoters and panel operators purportedly earned about ₹450 crore per month through the online betting app. The FIR alleges that the panel operators utilized multiple bank accounts to transfer illicit funds to app promoters in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).