How can planners take advantage of the AI trend?

18th April, 2024
How can planners take advantage of the AI trend?

AI can serve as a significant asset within the traditional planning framework. The planning process typically involves immersion, data collection, analytics, analysis, and gaining insights. At these initial stages, AI can play a crucial role by expediting data collection, organizing and synthesizing data, assisting in research design and management, and facilitating learning and trend identification.

The question of whether AI is merely a buzzword or a transformative force in our lives is a common debate today. Some individuals are skeptical of AI, advocating for human-centric approaches, while others view it as a shortcut. There are also those who anticipate AI revolutionizing industries and envision numerous possibilities.

Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Regardless of one’s stance, it’s undeniable that AI will likely have a profound impact on our lives in the future. However, this discussion focuses not on life in general, but on the potential implications of the AI movement for marketing and communication. As planners, how can we embrace this movement and prepare ourselves for the future?

Planners stand to gain significantly from the AI movement. Why such a bold assertion? Consider the following scenarios: planners could collaborate with AI developers, such as creative agencies, to devise AI tools and products tailored for business and marketing purposes. Planners possess unique skills that enable them to work closely with developers and contribute to the briefing process, as well as collaborate throughout the execution phase. This collaboration opens up new opportunities for planners. However, to fully capitalize on this potential, planners must adopt a holistic approach to problem-solving in both business and marketing domains.

Within our industry of consultants, agencies, and marketing professionals, planners could develop proprietary AI tools for agencies, offering distinct competitive advantages and fostering strategic client retention.

Furthermore, AI can enhance the traditional planning process by expediting data collection, organization, and analysis. It can aid in scenario planning by identifying trends and projecting potential future scenarios. Additionally, AI can assist in competitor analysis, allowing planners to focus on asking the right questions and leveraging AI’s capabilities as both an art and a science.

Despite these advancements, planners will continue to play a crucial role in imaginative thinking, hypothesis building, and value addition during the ideation and brand proposition stages. AI can serve as a source of inspiration and assist in brainstorming, ultimately leading to more compelling briefs for creative collaboration.

Moreover, AI can enhance presentation design and delivery, optimize the purchase journey and funnel, and revolutionize measurability through tools such as ad effectiveness metrics, brand tracking, and analytics.

In the creative and media spheres, AI is already influencing programmatic buying, placement, and content creation. Professionals who adapt to these changes will find their own niche, while human expression and connection will remain relevant amidst technological advancements.

AI’s impact extends to personalization, consumer experience, and CRM, offering vast possibilities while also necessitating ethical considerations regarding privacy and human rights.

These possibilities are just the beginning, and each area requires further exploration beyond the scope of this article. Responsible AI usage is essential, with ethical marketing practices guiding its implementation. The future of AI lies in our hands, with the potential to enhance human value and creation while driving progress and innovation. Let’s continue the conversation and explore how we can positively contribute to the AI movement as a community. As stewards of this evolving journey, it’s our responsibility to harness the potential of AI for the greater good.